Studio visit with Jinny Yu: Hôte

The Korean Cultural Centre is pleased to present the Virtual Artist Studio Visit series. Due to the prevailing pandemic situation for the past year, artists were removed from their familiar places to present their works when many exhibition spaces were forced to close with no clear idea on when to reopen while exhibition visitors also lost opportunities to meet their favourite artists and be enlightened by their unique perspectives which can be a guiding light in this unprecedented time of isolation. Considering that social distancing is still an important parameter to overcome the COVID 19 pandemic, the KCC has prepared a series of virtual artist studio visits that can connect artists with their audiences safely from home. As the first season of the program, we invite prominent Korean Canadian artists to show us how they spend their stay-at-home time and what kind of new works they are envisioning and visualizing. This program is planned to introduce a new episode on the last Thursday of each month. Our second episode is a tour to the internationally recognized Canadian artist Jinny Yu’s studio in Ottawa.